Monday, June 20, 2011

To the cloud!

We've been busy on a bunch of different fronts over the past few weeks. Integration of the API into our internal administrative tools is nearly complete, which will unify a good deal of the server side code and serve as a test bed for API additions. We have re-launched AHPathways with a new design. Great progress towards adding key staff to our technology team as well.

One of the more exciting projects that we've been working on has been moving our image and video media off of our production server. After a fair amount of research, we decided to use Rackspace as our cloud storage provider. Rackspace has hosted our dedicated server for some time, and we've been very happy with they level of service provided. The price difference between the vendors we looked at was minimal, and leveraging the Rackspace content delivery network is very attractive.

We are moving the media references in a phased approach, just to make sure we don't encounter any negative search engine indexing results, but we are roughly 10% of the way through the transition and everything is going very well. When this transition period is complete, we will have taken a big step forward towards product scalability, and increased the speed of our page loads in the process.

-Pat Poels

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