Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Focus on organization

Our company is entering a growth phase. We have taken on a capital partner, and are in the process of quickly growing our sales staff. On the technology front, we have added a very skilled consultant developer to help me create the products that will help push our company ahead. We also are building and leveraging the skills of our creative director, Jason Moore, in new and exciting ways. He is going to be contributing to the code base on the interface side, and is already ramping up his Interface Builder knowledge to contribute to the iPhone/iPad project.

The addition of contributors on the development front is terrific news for our company, but it's also forcing me to shift my focus. Since we didn't have any in-house development staff when I joined the company, I needed to spend the majority of my waking time learning web development concepts, planning development,  and building products. I've known all along that a minimized level of attention to the organizational aspects of my position was not going to work for long. Well, now I have collaborators, so for efficiency sake it's time to take a step back and organize.

Version control, distributed software hosting, project management software and process, a dashboard page for status of our products, product based wikis, and task management. All of these are necessary, and critical to our ability to manage the technology for a company that is and will be growing quickly. We will certainly add team member(s) in the future who will focus solely on handling these issues, but for now it's time for me to divert some attention to organizational progress.

-Pat Poels

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